Branson Scholarship Awards Announced

Photo courtesy Branson Schools

Branson High School’s class of 2023 earned over $8 million in scholarships and awards.

The seniors were honored during the annual Senior Awards Night held at Branson High School.

Several colleges and universities offered scholarships to the Branson seniors, as well as a large number of local and memorial scholarships. Local businesses and organizations presented the awards, along with Branson Board of Education members and Branson Schools administrators. 

"We are grateful to our local and regional scholarship benefactors, who gave generously to support this senior class," says Dixie Bailey, Senior counselor at Branson High School. Branson High School will hold its commencement ceremony on Friday, May 12 at 7:30 p.m.
Recipients and their awards are as follows:

Allen, Devin
College of the Ozarks Tuition Assurance
Scholarship; University of Arkansas New
Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award;
Missouri State University Missouri State
Promise Scholarship

Allred, Gavin
Missouri State University Missouri State
Promise Scholarship and Academic
Excellence Scholarship; White River Valley
Electric Cooperative Operation Round Up
Scholarship; WoodmenLife Scholarship
Alms, Kloey P.E.O. Chapter IB STAR Scholarship;
Evangel University Valor Scholars Program
Bronze Scholarship and Athletic Award
(Soccer); Branson High School National
Honor Society Scholarship

Arjes, Annika
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award

Ashbaugh, Abigale University of Missouri Excellence Award
and Francis Breeze Memorial Scholarship;
Wilson Hospitality Scholarship; University of
Arkansas New Arkansan Non-Resident
Tuition Award; Christian Action Ministries

Ashlock, Landon
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of Completion

Barnes, Elizabeth
University of New Mexico Regents
Scholarship; Missouri State University
Advantage Scholarship; Drury University
Provost Scholarship; Pittsburgh State
University Merit Scholarship

Bartram, Nathan
Bright Flight; University of Missouri
Chancellor's Award; University of Arkansas
New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award
and Silas Hunt Scholarship; Advanced
Placement Scholar

Betcher, Brynn
Missouri State University Board of
Governors Scholarship; Advanced
Placement Scholar with Distinction
Bissonnette, Anabelle White River Valley Electric Cooperative
Operation Round Up Scholarship; University
of Missouri Curators Scholars Award;
Missouri State University Board of
Governors Scholarship

Boebert, Austin
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of Completion

Burdick, Madelyn
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion and Career Portfolio;
Cumberland University E-Sports

Burkleo, Kylah
University of Missouri Curators Scholar
Award; Advanced Placement Capstone
Diploma Candidate; Advanced Placement
Scholar; Purdue University National
Recognition Scholarship and Academic
Scholarship; Daughters of the American
Revolution Good Citizen Award
Burton, Zachary College of the Ozarks Tuition Assurance
Scholarship and President’s Scholarship;
Riley’s Treasures Scholarship; Advanced
Placement Scholar; Missouri State
University Board of Governors Scholarship

Calovich, Graci
Carol M. Blackburn Scholarship; Arizona
State University New American University
Provost’s Award; Kansas City Art Institute
Merit Scholarship; J. Kenneth and Iva
M. Awbery Scholarship

Castro, Steve
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion and Career Portfolio
Chavira, Daniel University of Missouri Diversity Award
Cheek, Bailee Ozarks Technical Community College A+ Advantage Scholarship

Cornelison, Rylan
Branson Bank Scholarship; White River
Valley Electric Cooperative Operation
Round Up Scholarship; University of
Arkansas New Arkansan Non-Resident
Tuition Award; National Youth Fishing
Association Scholarship; University of
Missouri Provost Award; Wilson Hospitality
Scholarship; Christian Action Ministries

Cofer, Chloe
Missouri State University Academic
Excellence Scholarship; Ouachita Baptist
University Founder’s Scholarship and Music
Scholarship; University of Oklahoma
Academic Achievement Scholarship and
Pathfinder Award; Belmont University
Academic Merit Scholarship; Caring
Community Thrift/ Caring Americans

Criner, Tiffany
McDonald’s Agriculture Scholarship; Master
Gardener of the Ozarks Scholarship
Cruz, Lisseth Ozarks Technical Community College A+Advantage Scholarship

Cruz-Morales, Connye
Advanced Placement Scholar, Advanced
Placement Seminar and Research
Certificate; Advanced Placement Capstone
Diploma Candidate

Culver, Reagan
Skaggs Foundation Scholarship; White
River Valley Electric Cooperative Operation
Round Up Scholarship; Branson Education
Foundation Scholarship; Ouachita Baptist University President’s Scholarship
Dailey, Sierra Riley’s Treasures Scholarship; University of
Arkansas New Arkansan Non-Resident
Tuition Award

Davenport, Kiara
University of Central Missouri Red and
Black Scholarship; Hawaii Pacific University
Dean’s Scholarship and Kokua Award; St.
Francis College Merit Award

Dawson, John “Jack”
White River Valley Electric Cooperative
Operation Round Up Scholarship; Branson
High School Student Council Scholarship;
Saint Louis University Vice President Tuition
Scholarship; University of Arkansas New
Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award;
University of Missouri Curators Scholar
Award; Rockhurst University Breen
Scholarship; Missouri State University
Provost Scholarship

Delich, Lindsey
Missouri State University Deans
Scholarship; John Earl Chase Scholarship
Diehl, Conner Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion, Career Portfolio, and National
Technical Honor Society

Dicken, Ally
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award

Efird, Briley
Arizona State University New American
University Scholar Dean’s Award; University
of Kansas Achievement Scholarship; Loyola
University Chicago Loyola Scholarship

Ellett, Cassandra
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor;
Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma
Candidate; University of Arkansas New
Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award;
Missouri University of Science and
Technology Groundbreaker Scholarship

Fleetwood, Justin
Bright Flight; Carol M. Blackburn
Scholarship; University of Missouri Greater
Ozarks Alumni Association Scholarship,
Chancellor's Award, and CANFR

Frazier, Hunter
Carol M. Blackburn Scholarship; Missouri
University of Science and Technology
Groundbreaker Scholarship and Louis T.
Sicka Scholarship; Missouri State University
Provost Scholarship and Advantage

Fuentes, Andrea
White River Valley Electric Cooperative
Operation Round Up Scholarship; John
Brown University Trustees Academic
Award, File Completion Award, Academic
Scholarship, Founder’s Award, and Athletic
Award (Tennis); University of Arkansas New
Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award;
Missouri University of Science and
Technology Groundbreaker Scholarship;
Charles and Helen Winston Scholarship
Gagnepain, Alyssa White River Valley Electric Cooperative
Operation Round Up Scholarship; Missouri
Baptist University Athletic Award; Dallas
Baptist University Christian Service
Scholarship, Presidential Scholar Award,
and Christian Leadership Scholarship 

Garcia, Alexandra
Missouri State University Academic Excellence Scholarship

Garrison, Parker
Bright Flight; University of Missouri
Chancellor’s Award, Lloyd E Hightower
Scholarship, and Greater Ozarks Alumni
Association Scholarship; Advanced
Placement Scholar; University of Arkansas
New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award
and Honors College Academy Scholarship

George, Meagan
Branson/ Hollister Lions Club Scholarship;
College of the Ozarks Tuition Assurance
Scholarship and Work Program
Scholarship; Gibson Technical Center
Certificate of Completion, Outstanding
Academic Excellence Award, Career
Portfolio, and National Technical Honor

Glenn, LeAnne
Drury University Dean’s Scholarship;
University of Missouri Excellence Award;
Missouri State University Missouri State
Promise Scholarship and Academic
Achievement Scholarship

Grimm, Cade
University of Central Missouri Red and
Black Scholarship; Missouri University of
Science and Technology Groundbreaker
Scholarship and Athletic Award (Football);
Missouri Western State University Griffon
Guarantee Scholarship 

Hadley, Sadea Gibson Technical Center Perfect Attendance Award

Harmon, Sophia
White River Valley Electric Cooperative
Operation Round Up Scholarship; College
of the Ozarks Tuition Assurance
Scholarship and President’s Scholarship;
Missouri State University Board of
Governors Scholarship

Hinderman, Hannah
University of Central Arkansas Achievement
Scholarship; Advanced Placement Scholar
Hinton, Lakin Gibson Technical Center Certificate of Completion

Hoenie, Faith
Ozarks Technical Community College A+ Advantage Scholarship 

Holmes, Abbaney
Carol M. Blackburn Scholarship

Houston, Hadley
University of Arkansas New Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award
Hunter, Gabriel College of the Ozarks Tuition Assurance Scholarship

Isringhausen, Kyshin
Branson Education Foundation Scholarship;
Drury University Legacy Scholarship,
Provost Scholarship, Dual Credit
Scholarship, Priority Admission Scholarship,
and Athletic Award (Wrestling)

Jackson, Aubrie
Missouri State University Academic
Achievement Scholarship

Janke, Sara
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award

Johnson, Evan
College of the Ozarks Tuition Assurance
Scholarship and Work Program Scholarship
Jones, Caden Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion and Career Portfolio 

Kasper, Adrianna
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion and Career Portfolio
Kempf, Gabriel Missouri University of Science and
Technology Cornerstone Peers Scholarship;
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award

King, Sarah
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion and Career Portfolio
Kline, Alyssa Drury University Dean's Scholarship

Lair, Christopher
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion and Career Portfolio

Lashley, Emily
College of the Ozarks Tuition Assurance
Scholarship and Work Program 

Lawrence, Serenity
Advanced Placement Seminar and 
Research Certificate; Gibson Technical
Center Certificate of Completion,
Outstanding Academic Excellence Award,
and Career Portfolio; Advanced Placement
Capstone Diploma Candidate

Leonard, Nathan Bright Flight; University of Missouri
Chancellor’s Award; Wilson Hospitality
Scholarship; Advanced Placement Scholar;
Missouri State University Board of
Governors Scholarship; Missouri University
of Science and Technology Groundbreaker

Makuch, Andrew
Central Bank Scholarship; University of
Missouri Curators Scholar Award;
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award and Honors
College Award; Advanced Placement
Scholar; Advanced Placement
Seminar and Research Certificate;
Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma

Manderson, Adrian
Park University Academic Scholarship and
Athletic Award (Track & Field); Evangel
University Valor Scholarship and Athletic
Award; Gibson Technical Center Perfect
Attendance Award

Mann, Nathan
Drury University Dean's Scholarship;
Missouri State University Provost
Scholarship and Advantage Scholarship;
Missouri University of Science and
Technology Groundbreaker Scholarship

Marquez, Mya
Shelter Insurance Scholarship; College of
the Ozarks Tuition Assurance Scholarship;
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award
Martin, Luke Missouri State University Provost Scholarship

Matthews, Caitlyn
Truman State University Music Scholarship
and Harry S. Truman Leadership
Scholarship; Advanced Placement
Seminar and Research Certificate;
Advanced Placement Scholar; Advanced
Placement Capstone Diploma Candidate

Matthews, Landen Cole
John Brown University Founder’s Award,
Academic Scholarship, and File Completion
Award; Oklahoma Baptist University
Academic Scholarship; Culver-Stockton
College Hilltop Distinguished Scholar and
Athletic Award; Harding University
Dean's Scholarship and Presidential

Maxwell, Tristan
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of Completion

Meadows, Michaela
Missouri State University Inclusive Excellence Scholarship

Meadows, Molly
Carol M. Blackburn Scholarship; Skaggs
Foundation Scholarship; University of
Arkansas New Arkansan Non-Resident
Tuition Award

Miller, Tanner
Carol M. Blackburn Scholarship; Missouri
University of Science and Technology
Groundbreaker Scholarship; Missouri State
University Board of Governors Scholarship;
Northwest Missouri State University
Distinguished Scholar Award; Herb and
Maxine Trimble Scholarship
Morrison, Loreli State Fair Community College Talent Scholarship

Mullins, Diamond
Ozarks Technical Community College
Leadership Book Scholarship

Mulnik, Abigail
Branson Education Foundation Scholarship;
Riley’s Treasures Scholarship; Drury
University Dean's Scholarship; Missouri
State University Academic Excellence
Scholarship; Hendrix College Academic

Myer, Houston
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award; Drury
University Presidential Scholarship;
Missouri University of Science and
Technology Groundbreaker Scholarship;
University of Missouri Kansas City Curators’
Scholar Award; University of Denver
Provost Scholarship; Colorado School of
Mines Merit Award; University of Tulsa
Academic Scholarship

Nettleton, John
Braden University of Missouri Curators Scholar
Award; Oral Roberts University Quest
Whole Leadership Scholarship; University of
Arkansas New Arkansan Non-Resident
Tuition Award

Newman, Alyce
University of Missouri Excellence Award
and Music Scholarship; University of Central
Missouri Red and Black Scholarship;
University of Missouri Kansas City
Conservatory Scholarship, Curators’
Scholars Award, Professional Career
Escalators Scholarship, and Roo
Advantage Scholarship; Southeast Missouri
State University Music Scholarship and
Visual and Performing Arts Award; Drury
University Presidential Scholarship;
Missouri State University Provost

Newman, Cameron
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion, Perfect Attendance Award,
Career Portfolio, and National Technical
Honor Society

Orozco, Matthew
Drury University Founders Scholarship

Parks, Vanessa
University of Missouri Diversity Award;
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award; University of
Missouri Saint Louis Merit Scholarship;
Hardin-Simmons University Merit
Scholarship; King University Merit

Patel, Alvin
White River Valley Electric Cooperative
Operation Round Up Scholarship;
Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor;
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award; Saint Louis
University Vice President Scholarship and
Family Tuition Award

Patel, Dhruvi
Missouri State University Academic
Excellence Scholarship and Missouri State
Promise Scholarship; White River Valley
Electric Cooperative Operation Round Up
Scholarship; J. Kenneth and Iva M. Awbery

Patty, Grayson
Southeast Missouri State University Music
Scholarship and Visual and Performing Arts
Award, Copper Dome Scholarship, and
Residence Leadership Scholarship;
Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma

Pride, Sydney
University of Missouri Provost Award;
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award
Ralls, Parker Gibson Technical Center Certificate of Completion

Ray, Chloe
White River Valley Electric Cooperative
Operation Round Up Scholarship; Branson
High School Student Council Scholarship;
Dallas Baptist University Christian
Leadership Scholarship, HSA Scholarship,
Presidential Scholar Award, and Christian
Service Scholarship; Riley’s Treasures
Scholarship; P.E.O. Chapter JR STAR
Scholarship; Herb and Maxine Trimble

Rebollar, Joana
Ozarks Technical Community College A+ Advantage Scholarship

Robinson, Miyah
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of Completion

Rodriguez, Ingrid
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion, Perfect Attendance Award, and
Career Portfolio

Rosales, Fernanda
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion, Outstanding Academic
Excellence, Career Portfolio, and National
Technical Honor Society

Ruda, Chase
Kansas State University Missouri Match Merit Scholarship

Saldana, Ivan
University of Missouri Excellence Award
Sanchez, Gabriel J-100 AFJROTC Character-in-Leadership
Scholarship; Saint Louis University Vice
President Scholarship and Presidential
Scholarship Finalist Award; Missouri
University of Science and Technology
Groundbreaker Scholarship

Schmidt, Nicolas
John Earl Chase Scholarship
Schmitt, Dylan Gibson Technical Center Certificate of
Completion, Career Portfolio, and National
Technical Honor Society

Schroeder, Jayden-Joseph
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of Completion

Seitz, Elijah
Pittsburg State University Athletic Award
(Baseball); Drury University Deans Scholarship

Sorensen, Callie
Branson High School National Honor
Society Scholarship; Southern Virginia
University Academic Scholarship and
Seminary Scholarship; MIssouri State
University Academic Excellence

Stacy, Abigail
University of Missouri Excellence Award;
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award; Missouri State
University Academic Achievement

Stark, Benjamin
Heath Bright Flight; White River Valley Electric
Cooperative Operation Round Up
Scholarship; College of the Ozarks Tuition
Assurance Scholarship; John Brown
University Founders Award, Academic
Scholarship, Legacy Award, File Completion
Award, Beverly Meadors Sloan Scholarship,
Chancellor's Academic Award, and Music
Theatre Minor Scholarship; University of
Arkansas New Arkansan Non-Resident
Tuition Award

Stevens, Celeste
AFJROTC Type 1 Scholarship; Advanced
Placement Scholar; Missouri University of
Science and Technology Groundbreaker

Stiff, Payton
Drury University Athletic Award (Cheer)
Stirewalt, Robert Missouri State University Board of Governors Scholarship

Swink, David
Navy NROTC Scholarship; Missouri
University of Science and Technology
Groundbreaker Scholarship

Swofford, Quinn
Skaggs Foundation Scholarship; White
River Valley Electric Cooperative Operation 
Round Up Scholarship; Branson Education
Foundation Scholarship; Branson-Hollister
Rotary Club Scholarship; Iowa Western
Community College Athletic Award

Tabuchi, Myla
Missouri State University Deans Scholarship

Tanner, Brady
Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma Candidate

Thomas, Allison
Carol M. Blackburn Scholarship; Evangel
University Scholars Award, A+ Recognition
Scholarship, and Athletic Award (Volleyball
and Track and Field); University of Central
Arkansas Achievement Scholarship

Thomason, Anna
P.E.O. Chapter IB Joyce Wilhelm Memorial
Scholarship, Branson/ Hollister Lions Club
Scholarship; Hawthorn Bank Scholarship;
White River Valley Electric Cooperative
Operation Round-up Scholarship; Junior
Auxiliary of Taney County Scholarship;
University of Missouri Chancellor's Award
Missouri State University Board of
Governors Scholarship; University of
Arkansas New Arkansan Non-Resident
Tuition Award; Taco Bell Live Mas
Scholarship; Riley’s Treasures Scholarship

VanSickle, Holden
University of Missouri Curators Scholar
Award; University of Arkansas New
Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award

Vanderpluym, Carly
University of Missouri Excellence Award;
University of Arkansas New Arkansan
Non-Resident Tuition Award; Missouri State
University Advantage Scholarship and
Academic Excellence Scholarship

Van Sandt, Shady
First Community Bank Scholarship

Vijitbenjaronk, Warat Nathan
National Merit Scholar; Bright Flight; Shelter Insurance Scholarship; University of
Missouri National Merit Scholarship; Purdue
University National Recognition Programs
Scholarship; Advanced Placement Scholar
with Distinction

Webber, Avery
Bright Flight; Branson/ Hollister Lions Club
Scholarship; Branson Education Foundation
Scholarship; University of Missouri
Chancellor’s Award; University of Central
Missouri Red and Black Scholarship; John
Brown University Athletic Award (Tennis),
Chancellor's Academic Award, Founder’s
Award, JBU Scholarship, Beverly Meadors
Sloan Scholarship; Oklahoma Baptist
University Founder’s Academic Scholarship
and Bison Scholarship; Oklahoma State
University Out of State Achievement
Scholarship; University of Arkansas New
Arkansan Non-Resident Tuition Award and
Leadership Scholarship; University of
Missouri Kansas City Curator’s Scholarship;
Missouri State University Board of
Governors Scholarship; J. Kenneth and Iva
M. Awbery Scholarship; Dr. Mary King Long

Weisheit, Regan
Branson-Hollister Rotary Club Clay Cantwell
Scholarship; University of Missouri
Excellence Award; Missouri State University
Missouri State Promise Scholarship;
University of Oklahoma Sower Award and
Pathfinder Award; Caring Community Thrift/
Caring Americans Scholarship; University of
Arkansas New Arkansan Non-Resident
Tuition Award; J. Kenneth and Iva M.
Awbery Scholarship

Werling, Lane
Olivet Nazarene University Merit
Scholarship; University of New Mexico Merit

Wisner, Christopher
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of Completion

Woodmansee, Lydia
Missouri State University Academic
Excellence Scholarship and Provost
Scholarship; University of Missouri
Excellence Award

Wynter, Ivana
Gibson Technical Center Certificate of Completion

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